Chantilly Cat Information and Personality Traits

A moderate looking cat with no extremes, the loving Chantilly enjoys your company and will prefer it over being left alone. Also known as Tiffany.

Chantilly At a glance
The Chantilly/Tiffany Cat Breed

The Chantilly should be groomed daily to keep loose fur out of her coat and avoid knots and tangles.

Weight range:

Male: medium: 8-12 lbs.
Female: medium: 8-12 lbs.

Eye color:



Longevity Range: 7-12 yrs.
Social/Attention Needs: Moderate
Tendency to Shed: High


Length: Medium
Characteristics: Silky
Colors: Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Silver, Champagne, Platinum, Fawn
Pattern: Solid Color
Less Allergenic: No
Overall Grooming Needs: Moderate, High

Club recognition:

Cat Association Recognition:
Prevalence: Rare

The Chantilly is a medium-sized cat. She is a moderate looking cat with no extremes. The head is a broad, modified wedge with high cheekbones. The ears are spaced well apart and are medium sized, with long fur coming out from the inside.

The Chantilly's eyes are somewhat oval and are set at an angle. The eye color is gold and intensifies with the cat's age.

While called a longhair, the fur is semi-long, with little or no undercoat. This coat makes her look like a long haired cat, but without the draping effect seen in some of the longhairs. The coat should be soft and silky.


The Chantilly is a devoted companion and prefers company to being left alone. While the Chantilly is not demanding, she will "chirp" and "talk" as if having a conversation. This breed is affectionate, with a sweet temperament.

Living With:

The Chantilly should have her nutrition controlled to be certain she does not get too heavy or out of condition. The semi-longhair coat can easily conceal the beginnings of a pot belly.

The Chantilly should be provided with running and playing room. Interactive exercise should also be made part of her daily routine. These cats are very oriented toward people and enjoy playing with them.

Although the Chantilly has little or no undercoat, she should still be groomed daily to keep the loose fur out of her coat. Even this kind of fur can quickly knot and tangle if neglected.


The lovely Chantilly is often thought of as a semi-longhaired Burmese, although it is not. The breed was started with a pair of chocolate-colored cats of unknown origin. Today, outcrossing to several other breeds is permitted, but outcrossing to the Burmese is strictly prohibited.

The first litter of Chantilly cats was born in 1969 in New York. The breed was so liked that additional breeding programs of Chantilly cats were soon started in Florida and in Canada.

At first, the Chantilly was registered under the term "foreign longhair," but the breeders felt this name was not appropriate for a breed name. So the breed was then called the "Tiffany" and registered as such. However, in a British registry called GCCF, a breed that is a cross between a Chinchilla Persian and a Burmese had already been named the "Tiffanie" To avoid confusion, this cat was then renamed the "Chantilly" and is now usually referred to as the "Chantilly/Tiffany."

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